The Associated General Contractors of America and the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) jointly surveyed members from April 26 to May 8, 2024. The survey sought insights from contractors regarding Buy America requirements for manufactured products and their potential impact on projects which receive financial assistance from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).

In this episode of AGC’s ConstructorCast, we delve into the intricacies of the association’s litigation program, which serves as a crucial component of its broader advocacy efforts. We explore how AGC strategically engages in judicial matters to safeguard and improve the business environment for construction contractors, aligning with its overarching goal of advancing industry interests and protecting against disruption.

As we continue to raise awareness and encourage open discussion about mental health in the construction industry, AGC is pleased to offer two, FREE educational webinars in partnership with Youturn Health.

AGC hosts virtual member orientations on a quarterly basis to provide an overview of the member benefits, resources, and opportunities available from AGC of America. Whether your company has just joined, or has been a member for years, this informative session will help ensure that you are maximizing your membership. Register today to learn more about how AGC can help you and your colleagues grow your business and your career.

On April 18, the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) issued its final rule reducing exposure levels to respirable crystalline silica for all mines in the U.S. and is applicable to the contractors who work in these mines. MSHA jurisdiction is broad and includes construction work, and its rule is vastly different from the OSHA counterpart. While the same 50 ug/m3 PEL is adopted, there is no Table 1 to rely upon, no worker rotation, and compliance with the OSHA rule is not a defense to an MSHA citation of up to $324,000.

With almost every state authorizing the recreational and/or medical use of marijuana or cannabidiol (CBD), employers nationwide face a maze of legal changes.

Join us on June 5, 1 PM – 2 PM EST for the next virtual quarterly townhall. The purpose of these meetings is to communicate key safety and health issues and challenges, as well as discuss enforcement, regulatory, and outreach activities at the national and local levels.

The White House Council on Environmental Quality’s (CEQ) final rule, “National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Implementing Regulations Revisions Phase 2” (published May 1), earned swift rebuke from the Congressional leaders behind the permitting reforms in the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA). AGC echoes their concern that the rule will only exacerbate the permitting process, lead to more lawsuits, and delay projects further. The rule is likely to face action under the Congressional Review Act.